

Saskatoon, Sask., Nov. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Protein Industries Canada announced an innovative new project in collaboration with Croptimistic Technology, TheoryMesh and C-Merak Innovations aimed at transforming the agri-food value chain through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This initiative seeks to enhance food production efficiency, improve food quality and support sustainability goals from farm to food processor by improving existing precision agriculture tools to enhance data collection and integration at the sub-field level. This will provide food manufacturers with verified data that complies with regulations and meets consumer expectations for transparency in the food they consume. The data collected will also help farmers and ingredient processors access sustainability incentive premiums and access to alternative markets.

“With this project, Protein Industries Canada is supporting greater transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain,” said the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry. “By leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance precision agriculture practices and increase the adoption of technologies in farming, these project partners are increasing sustainability in the agri-food sector and contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for Canadians.”

Together, Croptimistic Technology, TheoryMesh and C-Merak Innovations will develop and utilize AI-integrated technologies to consistently collect sub-field-level data and management practices from producers. This data will then be used to predict process settings within the mill to generate high yields and less by-product or waste material, while at the same time, supplying ingredient processors and food manufacturers with the information necessary to support sustainability claims on food products.

“This project will provide Canada with a unique selling advantage, helping us to fully understand our environmental impact from the field to the dinner table. Investments like this will help Canada achieve its sustainability goals and establish itself as a global leader in the sector,” said Lisa Campbell, Senior Director of Programs at Protein Industries Canada.

The project will see $5.4 million co-invested into innovative and scalable AI technologies that will enhance the sustainability, competitiveness and profitability of Canada’s agriculture and food production sector. Protein Industries Canada will invest $2.4 million, with the partners investing the remainder.

“We believe that harnessing the use of AI technology is key to improving the quality and value of the precision ag solutions that we provide to the agrifood industry,” said Phillip Harder, Research Director and Hydrological Scientist at Croptimistic Technology. “To see the data we collect being used to its fullest capabilities beyond the farmgate is a nod to the positive direction we’re heading in with integrating AI technologies to increase agricultural sustainability and food production efficiency.”

“Working with extensive primary farm and food processing data in this project will allow us to use our AI models to improve manufacturing yields, reduce loss and create measurable impact on the sustainability of food production,” said TheoryMesh Co-Founder and CEO Chris Bunio.

"Opting for healthy and sustainable foods isn't just about personal taste; it's a crucial investment in our well-being and the planet's future," said Brett Casavant, CEO of C-Merak Innovations. "By selecting foods that both nourish us and support eco-friendly practices, we're taking control of our health while safeguarding the environment for generations to come. However, finding reliable information to guide these choices can be challenging. That's where AI technology comes in, playing a vital role in providing clear and accessible information from farm to final ingredient. At C-Merak, we're thrilled to collaborate with our consortium partners and Protein Industries Canada to develop innovative solutions that promote healthier people and a healthier planet."

Protein Industries Canada is one of Canada’s five Global Innovation Clusters. Protein Industries Canada and our members are working to embrace the $25 billion opportunity presented by Canada’s ingredient manufacturing, food processing and bio-product sector. Projects such as these add value to, and create new markets for, Canadian crops, generating local jobs and supporting new economic development in locations across Canada. More information can be found at